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Internet-Recordings : B-SIDES LP [016] |
Released on Catalog number www016 Playtime: 21:25 - 320kb/s - 40.16 MB Date released 2013/02/27 Date published 2013/02/27 03:49h Downloads 505 Release link Donate |
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- Breaking Glas (2004) <-- 03 of 30kray-zie
- Turbo Encabulator (2008) <-- 21 of 30kr4y
- untitled 177f (2010) <-- 26 of 30Willem B
Release Notes |
Excerpt (3 of 30 tunes).
Full LP download (30x mp3 + txt + artwork in a zip file):
kr4y / Willem B - "b-sides LP" [www016]
00. Intro - "Listen" (2004)
01. kray-zie - "India" (2004)
02. kray-zie - "Bombay Mix" (2004)
03. kray-zie - "Breaking Glas" (2004)
04. kr4y - "Abstruse" (2005)
05. kr4y - "Spirit Beat" (2007)
06. kr4y - "Green Deal" (2007)
07. kray-zie - "Creaking Waterfalls" (2005)
08. kray-zie - "Tomato" (2003)
09. kray-zie - "Troublemaker" (2003)
10. kray-zie - "Dub n Bass" (2003)
11. kray-zie - "Limbo" (2004)
12. kray-zie - "East Analog" (2006)
13. kray-zie - "Funk27b" (2003)
14. kr4y - "Controversy" (2006)
15. kr4y - "Rise Up" (2006)
16. kr4y - "Project 12x2" (2007)
17. kr4y - "High Impact" (2007)
18. kr4y - "Neuro Linguistics" (2007)
19. kr4y - "Half F" (2007)
20. kr4y - "No Regrets" (2007)
21. kr4y - "Turbo Encabulator" (2008)
22. kr4y - untitled 175f (2010)
23. kr4y - untitled 171j (2010)
24. kr4y - untitled 024s (2012)
25. prince kray - "Machine Dub" (2000)
26. Willem B - untitled 177f (2010)
27. Willem B - "Face" (2010)
28. Willem B - "Reporting 016 5" (2011)
29. Willem B - "Brown" (2012)
As some may recall, kr4y is a humble and dutch producer/DJ who has been around in music and the Internet for a while.
Over the recent two years he has slowed down a little on the netlabel front compared to the first decade of this century. His and Arje's own netlabel Beataddiction is offline and kr4y himself has only put out a remix on T-FREE's 35 tunes strong "tl;dr Happy End" LP in 2011 since www007 in 2010. Other than that he had another couple of Drum & Bass tunes released commercially (two tunes on Section 8, two more on a joint EP on Extent and one Remix-EP on T3K).
But he has not completely succumbed to relative laziness - he has kept himself busy in the studio, has stepped further into Techno, released his first EP under his Willem B moniker on Filter ("techno with balls and brains") and continues to share his ideas (and a good handful of his Techno tunes so far) with the rest of mankind.
He 'returns' to the free scene with an inoffensive outing on this obscure netlabel of yours truly. His "b-sides LP" is a selection of formerly unreleased material from 2000 to 2012 and consists of 54% Drum & Bass, 23% Hiphop, 16% Techno, 3% Dub and 4% beatless sound experiments, with an overall musical range from soft and melodic to dark and technoid. It displays kr4y's evolution from melody-driven loop music to threedimensional technoid "post-music" and is coherent to the evolution of electronic music over the past couple of decades as well as to humankind's technological and cultural development at large.
(Technical note: some of the tunes are unretrievably lost in their original format and this album contains their last remains. So the bitrate in some cases is not the usual 320 kbps but instead 256, 192 and in one case only 128 kbps. Apologies for that - but the alternative would have been to leave them out and it's a lost works album anyway, so there.)
Computers have made potentially all information available and transmittable to every entity with access to the world wide web, thus propelling human culture rapidly to unexpected heights (and quite likely its zenith in the post-millenium online-forum era before the takeover of social networks). Borg perfection is still miles away but we are certainly getting closer ever faster. Via the Internet everyone can, in principle, communicate with everyone else and this affects all areas of the human realm and its deeper-growing interconnection with evolving technology.
In regards to music (as all other forms of production of content/data and even physical forms) it has become normal that fans/consumers can reach artists/producers directly (via text, visually and audiovisually both time-shifted and in real-time), give feedback, make specific requests and thereby influence to varying degrees the respective production, publication and even conception processes. This obviously brings advantages as well of disadvantages with it (better connection between producer and consumer means better reception but also more work for producer), but by broad consensus the advantages prevail.
This release njhah is as much the result of such a positive feedback loop as of the cultural conditions created through the media environment "Internet" itself: Fans/followers of kr4y (aka kray-zie aka prince kray aka Willem B) hustled him to let out more of his tunes, including older ones that didn't make it onto a release at their time, and with this huge LP on a netlabel now he obliges with great generosity while keeping his technical effort with the publication at a minimum level, leaving himself free for new productions and experiments under his two still-active monikers.
kr4y links: Soundcloud, Discogs
Willem B links: Soundcloud, Discogs
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